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Today, like any other day involved a little of each of the usual daily *things* that I do, see, and say. Checking my emails. Facebooking like an obsessive compulsive (though I assure I'm not...really...I'm not). Opening the fridge looking for something to eat and then closing the door immediately upon realizing I'm not hungry and have not eaten breakfast since...well...ever. Driving and getting a little road rage (driving's boring if you don't at least mutter a few naughty words to yourself at other people's expense). And of course, playing a little Nintendo. Like most days, the DS is usually the game console of choice for a light spot of gaming-addiction. In a way, the DS is my little secret piece of daily chocolate that you scoff while nobody's looking.
But today I was joined by someone else who happens to also play DS. So of course...what else would you play WiFi? ....MARIO KART! It's the essential in multiplayer Nintendo gaming. And of course...embarrassing enough to say...I lost. Abysmally - 40 points to 52 points. Not that I'm surprised. I really usually only excel when guns and zombies are concerned.
Anyway...the moral of today's post is that I, too, am human (contrary to popular belief).
T. [the human]

Newsflash! I didn't realize this...but Balenciaga is now selling their bags online! (US Only...but still...) Most of you probably don't give a toss about this little tidbit...but it's big news considering Balenciaga's stance on online-sales of their ever-sort-after Le Dix bags (and its spawn-offs). So seems that they have decided to throw the towel in and submit to the 21st century by offering [officially] their bags for sale online. I myself am still contemplating getting my grubby hands on a Giant City (silver hardware) in black... (yes men can wear it too...the shoulder strap is just long enough to wear as a messenger and by George it looks good on!)
However, while I understand the decision to go from goatskin to a thicker, more durable lambskin...there's still something about the original goatskin that makes me wish they still made 'em that way. There's something classically grungy and sexy and, well, very Nicolas Ghesquire about the distressed, cracked, and slouching goatskin. It's kind of impoverishly luxurious if you get what I mean. Though the lambskin closely mimics the same just doesn't have the same personality.
...and while we're on the subject of the new...I can't wait to see the new fall winter 08/09 colours! About 6 weeks ago, while still in Tokyo running around like a crazed addict getting my final doses of shopping, a Balenciaga S.A. accidentally showed me the colour chart for the fall winter collection. I was hoping to score a black Courier (after much consideration), but of course, they were sold out. As I was checking out the Vert Thyme and Bleu Liturgique Couriers in the mirror I noticed she flipped out a piece of paper that looked like a colour swatch. My eagle eyes swept to her direction and with a piercing, bloodthirsty gaze, I demanded to see the colours. (Of course, I asked nicely....really....I did....) Let me just say thank the Lord [Tom Ford] that they will be doing another run of Anthracite! And I'm sure the Argent will be awesome! There are also going to be some reds and purples...but I don't really care about those.
So basically...what remains of this year, I will probably be calling the NY store for an order. The dilemna now is whether to get a Giant City or a Courier and whether to get a black or an Anthracite....and if I get both...the which one should I get in which colour. This is all very complicated.
*ahem* .....yes....anyway...sorry about this post. Just got a case of Balenciaga-itis. Nothing a good sleep and splurge at the shops won't fix.
NOTE TO CAT: If you're reading this Cat, please keep your eyes on Balenciaga in Shinjuku for me. I expect updates to the minute!
...meanwhile...Pinocchio's at the Batcave...
...I have been so busy doing nothing that my brain is about to implode from all the inactivity. Which is a lie. Which is not a lie that I fact...I have realized that as of recently, I've begun lying a lot! Not about important things like how much vodka I put into the chocolate cake or how much goat's cheese it takes to make me into a better person. But about trivial things like telling my friends that I left Tokyo a week earlier than I actually did while simultaneously telling other friends that I'd arrive back in Melbourne a week after I actually arrived just so I could have 2 weeks of freetime to myself. Is that bad?'s pretty bad isn't it. I apologize to any victims of that lie that might be reading this now...I feel bad that I did what I did. SEE?!?! There I go, lying again! I don't feel bad at all!!
So what have I been doing for the past couple of weeks you ask? (by "you" I mean Lori of course...) I've been baking my brains out and cooking like a crazy person. It feels so good to be back in a kitchen that's...well...a kitchen! None of that one-stove-no-bench-space-shoebox-poor-excuse-for-a-kitchen nonsense I had back in my apartment in Tokyo. I'm talking a real man's kitchen. A big, butch, 7 square meter kitchen. Complete with 6 manly burners and an even manlier man-oven to bake all my manly fairy-cupcakes in. My father is loving the 4 cooked meals a day with unlimited supply of baked goods. However...I swear my mother is going to unhinge if she sees another cupcake or muffin again. I'll admit...baking a couple dozen cupcakes and muffins a day is seemingly excessive. But the therapy of doing so is priceless.
...anyway...time to try out my new idea for butterscotch French toast with raspberry vanilla compote.
PS: Didn't I promise in the last post that future posts will be shorter? HA! I lied again...SUCKERS!!!
Despite several past blogs, I have been coaxed into starting this blog. I spend most of my time perched in front of the computer so why not. What's another blog? Pffffttt...
So here's the story thus far...
I quit my job in Tokyo and decided to move back home. Home? Where's home? Home is where the heart is. ;) (well...home is where my full sized kitchen with a full sized oven is) After stressing myself out for 3 weeks trying to pack my stuff and ship it and organizing everything and catching up with everyone...
Well...almost everyone - I missed a couple of people. Ok ok...I missed a LOT of people. It's really difficult to catch up with everyone when there's so many people and so little time. I apologize to those of you I didn't get to catch up with and those of you that I forgot to even inform that I was leaving Tokyo! HA! ごめんね! And a big apology (and regret) to Cat: I really wished we had one last chance to go shopping at Gucci and pop into the cafe on the top floor for one of their awesome time I'm in Tokyo we're going on a spree!
> PLAY >
So after 3 weeks of drinking....errr....packing, I decided to have a little drama play out at Narita airport. Only because I was bored. Honest! So of course, in keeping with tradition, I had to travel with slightly heavy bags. Those who know me, know what I'm talking about. Despite shipping over 3 cubic meters of stuff back home (1 cubic meter of which was just my shoes - and no furniture was involved at all in the shipping) I still managed to have overweight luggage at the airport. I swear to Tom Ford that I only had a 15kg bag when I weighed it a week before leaving. So somehow I managed to accumulate extra stuff within that week. I ended up with a total of 65kg of luggage when I got to Narita. 25kg of which was to be concealed as my hand luggage. (To those haters out there, I weigh much less than the fatass sitting next to me so I should be allowed a little extra weight!) After bitch slapping the check-in staff and being spanked in the ass a bit, we came to a Switzerland. They would let me through with 30kg at no extra charge if I can manage to send 10kg by post. So after a bit more spanking and bitch slapping (because it's fun), that's what we did.
Now all I had to do was pretend that 25kg of onboard luggage was really only 7kg. Easy!
So now I'm having a bit of a holiday (much deserved!), and that's that for now.
I promise that future posts will not be so long winded.